[Penta Inside] The 27th Anniversary of Penta Security

The 27th Anniversary of Penta Security


Penta Security, a leading global provider of web, data, and IoT security solutions, celebrated its 27th anniversary on July 21st.

Penta Securitym, establishment day, 27th anniversary for its extablishment

Since its founding, all the staff members of Penta Security have grown the company into a global security leader through continuous challenges and efforts. The anniversary of this year was even more meaningful as Penta Security solidifies its position as a global security leader based on these endeavors.

The anniversary celebration began with a congratulatory message from CEO (Tae Gyun Kim), emphasizing the theme “Penta Security of Change and Challenge”, and the Long-term employee reward for 26 employees.

Penta Securitym, establishment day, 27th anniversary for its extablishment

The Message of CEO: Penta Security of Change and Challenge.

Since its establishment in 1997, Penta Security has grown through constant challenges and has strived to lead the change of the world. Now, the company protects the information and systems of countless people worldwide. Penta Security’s business was started with data encryption, which is fundamental of cybersecurity, and gradually expanded its business areas to Web Application Firewall and Authentication security, maintaining its top position in the enterprise information security market for many years. Currently, Penta Security also provides Cloud security services based on the technology and experiences accumulated since its establishment, working toward a society where free connections and communication are possible.

The CEO identified “Change” and “Challenge” as the keywords for a better future from a new starting point for Pent Security. He emphasized that direction is crucial in change and the target is important in challenges. As a strategy to achieve results in change and challenges of Penta Security, it plans to continue field-focused management and expand into the global market. Today, the market is expanding worldwide today beyond borders, leading the endless competition. The CEO stressed the importance of attitude to work with anyone in the world and the expertise to compete with anyone.

Penta Securitym, establishment day, 27th anniversary for its extablishment

The Highlight of the Anniversary: Long-term Service Awards

The most significant driving force behind Penta Security’s 27-year Journey has been its hard working of employees. To honor and commemorate the hard work of long-term employees, Penta Security holds an annual long-term service award on its foundation anniversary with gratitude. This year, a total of 36 employees were honored: 4 with 10 years of work, 15 with 5 years of work, and 17 with 3 years of work.

Without the dedication, passion, and unwavering efforts of all employees, there has been no Penta Security as a global security leader. The reputation of Penta Security today has been built by the accumulated commitment of each staff in their respective roles. We conducted brief written interviews with the long-term awardees.

Penta Securitym, establishment day, 27th anniversary for its extablishment

[10-Year Long-Service] Security Technology Research Center / Senior Manager / Kim

Q: Could you briefly introduce yourself?
A: Hello. I work in the Cloud Infrastructure Development Team at the Security Technology Research Center. I customize the OS used in Penta Security products according to the needs of each development department and provide a foundation that makes installation and use easy. I also support the operation of Penta Security products in cloud environment.

Q: What is your most memorable moment in Penta Security so far?
A: There are many memorable moments from my long working years of service, but one particularly helpful memory comes to mind.
Due to a difficult issue, I was sent to support a specific site. The issue was unresolved, and the field visit was scheduled for the next day. It was urgent, so a developer had to accompany me to put out the fire. The time was tight for analyzing and resolving the issue, and I was prepared to face criticism. However, that night, I was strangely compelled to keep working after hours, and I eventually found the cause in the early morning. Although I didn’t have time to solve the problem, I visited the site after a few hours of sleep, reported the cause, and the client understood. We scheduled a resolution and wrapped up the issue successfully. I learned the valuable lesson of never giving up, no matter how hopeless the situation seemed.

Q: Congratulations on your 10-year long-service award. How do you feel?
A: There’s a Korean saying that even mountains change in 10 years. In the IT industry, 10 years feels even longer. Trends change rapidly, and the pace of AI development is astonishing. The situation when I joined the company is very different from now, and it continues to change. If I don’t actively embrace change and take an action, I may naturally fall behind. This long-service award has motivated me to strive for further growth.

Q: What does Penta Security mean to you?
A: “Keyboard.” Just as a keyboard has various keys that perform different functions, Penta Security is a place where diverse people and departments come together to collaborate towards a common goal. Each member of Penta Security plays a vital role, and only when these roles harmonize can the company operate stably. I am grateful to everyone who always gives their best in their positions.

Penta Securitym, establishment day, 27th anniversary for its extablishment

[5-Year Long-Service] Cloud Business Division / Director / Son

Q: Could you briefly introduce yourself?
A: Hello. I am the head of the Cloud Business Division in the Security Business Headquarters. Penta Security’s products are offered as both appliance devices and installable cloud solutions. The Cloud Business Division is responsible for sales of various cloud products, including the installable cloud products, SaaS type Fully Managed Web Application Firewall, Cloudbric WAF+, and WAF Managed Service for AWS WAF, Cloudbric WMS. After joining the company, I have handled various internal and external tasks and am currently focused on domestic cloud sales.

Q: What is your most memorable moment in Penta Security so far?
A: Many moments come to mind from the past 5 years, but overseas business trips stand out the most. I once traveled to the EBC Center in Sydney, Australia, as a partner at Microsoft’s invitation. The air in Australia was so clean compared to the severe fine dust in Seoul at the time. I also remember visiting a client in Tokyo, Japan. We brought a Korean traditional liquor as a gift, and fortunately, the client was a fan of alcohol, so they loved it. After the meeting, we had a great time bonding over drinks near Tokyo Dome, which led to smooth progress in our business dealings.

As a sales professional, I encounter various situations when meeting clients and partners, which inevitably leads to numerous stories. The reason I can confidently introduce our products and services is mainly because I trust the related departments and members of Penta Security. I want to take this opportunity to thank all the employees who always give their best in their positions.

Q: Congratulations on your 5-year long-service award. How do you feel?
A: I’ve been in the IT industry since 1998, spending much of my career as a programmer. The past five years at Penta Security have been full of new challenges for me, and although it hasn’t been easy, I’ve enjoyed the work because I chose this path. I recently took on a new role, and I see this as another challenge. I’m focused on viewing things from a new perspective and prioritizing sustainable growth over short-term achievements.

Q: What does Penta Security mean to you?
A: To me, Penta Security is a “new beginning.” It has been a place where I could experience a wide range of roles and opportunities. Penta Security always provides generous support and encouragement for courageous challenges and new attempts. I hope that everyone reading this also experiences a “new beginning” at Penta Security.

Penta Securitym, establishment day, 27th anniversary for its extablishment

[5-Year Long-Service] Quality Management Office / Manager / Yoo

Q: Could you briefly introduce yourself?
A: I work as the team leader of the Quality Team 2, responsible for the quality of the encryption platform D’Amo, an Database Encryption Solution. Our team primarily handles QA and certification tasks for the D’Amo product and responds to inquiries based on the needs from business division. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions about D’Amo; I’ll do my best to answer within the scope of what I know and what is publicly shareable. 😉

Q: What is your most memorable moment in Penta Security so far?
A: There isn’t a particular moment that stands out, but many memories come to mind. It reminds me of times when I struggle to deal with serious problems. In those moments, my old and young colleagues gave me valuable advice as a friend. It helps me overcome them.

When facing a problem, it’s likely that someone has already experienced it and knows the solution. Many of my colleagues at Penta Security have given me practical and warm advice based on their experiences. Although not all problems can be solved, it’s worth trying!

Q: Congratulations on your 5-year long-service award. How do you feel?
A: It has been a time full of ups and downs, but also a period I could endure. I’m grateful for the help and consideration of many people.

I’m sure those who have been with the company longer than me would agree. As mentioned on the ‘You Quiz’, a popular Korean TV program sharing the experience to be success in their field, “Even if the storm is raging, you have to keep going; if you sit down after getting hit by a stone, that’s the end.” I think this mindset is the fundamental driving force behind long service and endurance. If we continue to persevere in our roles until the day we retire, I believe some form of reward, whether tangible or intangible, will await us.

Let me share the tip for the long-term service, getting your own briefs. Because of the brief, you might be such a stick in the mud, but with out that you could be a boat floating in the open sea and wander through life. This realization often comes in the early 30s. So, keep going, everyone!

Q: What does Penta Security mean to you?
A: It’s my foundation. It’s a place where I spend over a third of my day, so I naturally care about it and feel affection for it, even though it can be challenging at times. Despite the many evaluations of the company, I believe that reaching its 27th anniversary proves Penta Security’s value.

I also resonate with one of the company’s current priorities, which is the ‘field.’ While everyone performs their duties based on their expertise and values, in the end, our products are evaluated in the field. The demands from the field generate profits that sustain the lives of many members. Sometimes, the concept of a company can be confusing, but remembering the company’s goals can help you find direction and stay focused.

Penta Securitym, establishment day, 27th anniversary for its extablishment

[5-Year Long-Service] Certification Security Division / Assistant Manager / Kim

Q: Could you briefly introduce yourself?
A: Hello. I am an engineer in the Certification Security Division, supporting PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) products, which are the foundation of Penta Security. Although I support various products, I mainly handle the CIS encryption module used in all products, including the iSIGN+ authentication security platform, D’Amo encryption platform, and the WAPPLES intelligent WAAP solution.

Q: What is your most memorable moment in Penta Security so far?
A: As I receive the 5-year long-service award, I remember winning the Pentastic Award in 2021. That year, I supported new businesses, working on several projects. I was learning new technologies and figuring out how to apply them while directly communicating with customers, which led to many late nights. I wondered if things could get any harder at that time.

So, receiving an award felt like recognition for my hard work. I never imagined I would receive such an award, so that year remains a significant memory for me.

Q: Congratulations on your 5-year long-service award. How do you feel?
A: It’s already been five years. I joined the company as a university student and was the youngest employee at the time, but now I’ve moved up to assistant manager. It feels surreal. I wonder what it will be like five years from now. I’m curious to see.

Q: What does Penta Security mean to you?
A: It’s a place that broadened my perspective. I didn’t know anything about security when I joined Penta Security, but now I understand how deep and broad the field is. It’s a company where I want to continue expanding my horizons.

Penta Security’s 27-year journey as a leader in cybersecurity, offering excellent products and technology, has been possible because of the dedication of its employees. As we celebrate the company’s anniversary, I want to thank my colleagues and hope the remaining months of the year will be a time to move towards the same vision with the precious colleagues beside us. Finally, happy 27th birthday to Penta Security!